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We are super excited to announce that as of 12th April we can begin to host parties as normal for up to 15 children onboard. 


We provide a Covid safe environment; we do this by wiping all the controllers and high touch areas with hospital grade anti viral wipes, after each party we steam the interior of the vehicle with anti viral disinfectant, we ensure everyone going onboard the vehicle use the hand sanitiser which is available at the door. Our staff wear a 3 layer protective masks while onboard and in some cases a face shield as well. We also ask that anyone above the age of 11 wears a face mask or covering onboard unless a medical condition doesn't require you to. We also ask that the organising parent fills in a form with all the names of the attendees this is kept on file for 3 week.


We would like to ask the children be able to game as we will be limiting the amount of staff to 1 per party, the staff will not be able sit onboard and help as we usually would. The member of staff will stand outside the door to ensure it is just your guests on board for the majority of time and when entering to change of start games will be wearing a mask.

By booking a party you acknowledge that should there be a change in social distance measures and we can't go ahead we will allow you change the booking by up to 18 months. The deposit will continue to be held by TechZone towards your new party date. If you would like to cancel the booking completely then our standard cancellation policy will be in affect.


We fully understand these are not ideal party conditions but these are unprecedented times and want to adhere to the law and create safe environments for all people involved. While at the same time being able to offer children a distraction from all that is going on. 


These terms may change at any time and for the latest updates follow our facebook page.  



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